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Q & A

Has a question about lawn care been bothering you? You may find the answer here!

My sprinklers won’t shut off even when I put the timer in the off position. What is going on?

The time clock/ controller acts as an on/ off switch for your sprinkler valves. If your vales have not been serviced in the last 5 years, your problem is most likely the internal parts of the valve.


My timer display is flashing, what causes this?

Usually a power interruption from a storm or someone doing service work at your home and they have turned off your power.


Why does the grass underneath my trees die in the summer?

Bermudas and their hybrids need sunlight to thrive. They require up to 8 hours of direct sunlight per day. When you have a dense tree canopy that creates shade, often the winter rye grass “hangs on” during the summer. This is the grass you see under your trees. Rye grass can grow in full shade, but cannot take the high temperatures. At some point usually late July the rye grass dies out and you are left with dead grass under your tree. Because of the shade and competition of the rye grass, the summer or Bermuda grass is not established and will not grow in the shade. GMLM suggests thinning and lifting tree canopies that create dense shade in lawn areas. While this may not solve the rye die out, it can encourage more of the Bermuda grass to grow under the tree canopy.


What is the white stuff on my Catus?

Very likly mealies, use soap and water 2 tbs to the gal, put in a 5 gallon bucket and dump over entire plant...should see improvement in 2 wks but might need to repeat.


What are the white bugs on my plants and how can I get rid of them?

They are wolley aphids. Put 3 tablespoons of mouthwash in a pint spray bottle and add 2 or 3 drops of dish soap. Don't add too much dish soap because detergent can burn the leaves if used in excess. If you don't want to use dish soap you can use insecticidal soap. Then fill the bottle with cold water. Spray in the shade or in early morning or early evening. If you spray in the evening make sure the plant has time to dry before nightfall. Repeat every couple of days or until they are all gone.


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